Living space is one of the most impotant factors influencing your life. It should be your mecca, inspiring your creativity, motivating you to action but also allowing you to rest. We can create interiors that will reflect your personality and be adjusted to individual needs in terms of functionality.


A exhibition stall often proves to be the place where your potential client first comes into contact with your product. We design space in a way that allows it to complement the values presented by your product, with particular emphasis on appropriate presentation.This approach makes it possible to create a novel and unique presentation of you and your achievements.


Universal furniture doesn't necessarily fit to every interior. A piece of furniture designed specially to suit your needs will make both your work and your life more comfortable. We can design furniture for you in any style, with particular emphasis on practicality and sophisticated aesthetics at the same time.


Prototyping is a very important stage before a product begins to be mass-produced. Quality of materials, texture and colors are the elements your potential client will focus on.We can create a prototype for you which will ensure that your product achieves market success and make consumers fall in love with it.


The ubiquitously developed functional art makes it possible to perfect the manufacturing of many goods. Are you in need of unique tools, cutlery or advertising gadgets? We will design a product for you that will combine functionality with form, usefulness with unconventional design.

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